Welcome to "Nothing But The Truth"

There is a lot of confusion in the world regarding God's Truth, particularly concerning His laws, statutes, and judgements. This blog is dedicated to discerning the truth from lies.

I have added reading recommendations to my blog. Resources that are directly related to a post appear directly below the post. All resources appear in the lower left corner under "Minister Orr Recommends." To make it easier, you can link directly to Amazon to purchase the item. If not, I would definitely see if they are in the local library.

I have also linked all Scriptures to www.blueletterbible.org.

I pray that your mind will be opened and your spirit continually uplifted.

Minister Orr

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Searching For The Truth

When I was a child, my grandmother sent me to Baptist church for vacation Bible school.  I loved it...all of it...especially the singing.  The cookies and juice weren't half bad either.  My grandmother was Catholic, but we were not allowed to attend Catholic church because she had married outside the religion.  That just felt wrong.  Vacation Bible school taught me that God loved us not because of what we do, but just because we are.  If God loved us unconditionally, then why weren't we allowed to go to His church?  It did not make any sense to me whatsoever.  Eventually, my grandfather converted and we were allowed back into the Catholic church, but I was still not entirely comfortable with the idea.  That feeling was compounded the day I asked to be an altar girl and was told that "women don't belong on the altar."  If I heard God calling me to do more in my service to Him, who were they to tell me I couldn't??  The search for truth was on!

Unfortunately, and as is often the case, my lack of spiritual direction caused me to be led away from God.  Without someone to teach me the truth, I was left to experiment through trial and error until I found it for myself.  I studied practically every religion in existence, including the occult, in my attempt to find something...anything...that made sense.  The moment I found even an inkling of hypocrisy, I would move on.  I was constantly asking "Why?" and if the answer did not hold up to my intense scrutiny, I would change course.  This struggle to find the truth led me through many painful experiences...experiences that I would not wish on my worst enemies.  It is for this reason that I started this blog.  If I can help just one person, all of that pain will have been well worth it.

This is by no means to say that I know everything there is to know about God.  I don't.  I learn new things every day...sometimes from the most unexpected people and places.  However, I am vigilant in my quest for the truth and I am looking forward to sharing what I have learned with you.

Everything I put on this blog will be well-documented.  I will include scriptures and references so you can do the research for yourself.  I realize that some of this information may be quite shocking or surprising to you.  I encourage you to challenge my posts if you disagree and ask questions if you don't understand.  If there is anything at all I can do to assist you in your spiritual journey, please let me know.

Until next post...

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.



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